hex-to-hslA simple extension that converts any hex and rgb colours in your files to the hsl format, and back to hex FeaturesUse keyboard shortcut ctrl+h ctrl+s for windows and cmd+h cmd+s for mac to convert the currently active file to hsl Conversely, use keyboard shortcut ctrl+h ctrl+x for windows and cmd+h cmd+x for mac to convert the currently active file to hex Or use the VS Code commands to convert the entire workspace's files' colours to hsl or hex. Currently converts all files in the src folder with the following extensions: .ts, .js, .css, .vue, .jsx Known Issues
Release Notes0.1.0Added ability to convert to all colours in active file and workspace to hex 0.0.3Fixed issue with nested node_modules not being ignored 0.0.2Converts all colours found in workspace src files 0.0.1Initial release of hex-to-hsl Converts all colours found in active file |