Chating with aiBrief description of your extension. Features
RequirementsMention any prerequisites or requirements for using your extension. Installation
UsageProvide instructions on how to use your extension. Include any commands, shortcuts, or settings that users need to know. ConfigurationExplain any configuration options available to users. For example, how to customize settings or preferences. Known IssuesList any known issues or limitations of your extension. Provide workarounds if available. ContributingInclude guidelines for contributing to your extension. This could include information on how to report bugs, submit feature requests, or contribute code. LicenseState the license under which your extension is distributed. For example, MIT, Apache 2.0, etc. ContactProvide contact information for users to reach out with questions, feedback, or support requests. AcknowledgmentsIf your extension includes any third-party libraries, tools, or resources, acknowledge them here. Feel free to customize this template to fit the specifics of your extension. Good luck with your extension development! |