cpp-class-generator READMEExplorer -> RMB on folder -> Generate files for C++ class Found a bug? Create issue on github Contributions are welcome Extension settings variables:{userName} - cpp-class-generator.user.name or system username {year} - current year {date} - current date {copyright} - cpp-class-generator.project.copyright {namespaceStart} - namespace start is {namespaceEnd} - namespace end is {namespaceTab} - automatic namespace content tabulation. If there is no namespace, no tab will be added {namespaceScope} - inline namespace scope is {className} - specified class name {headerFileName} - specified name with header extension Config example
Configs from global and local settings will be merged - you can add main classes in global settings and project-specific classes in workspace settings, without duplicates. Current version - [v1.2.0] - 16.08.2024Added