This is extension for visual code which help you easy to test regex.
Main Features
API Test: like test method in javascript. It will return PASS or FAIL
API Match: like match method in javascript. It return the groups which is matched in your regex
API Exec: like exec method in javascript. It return the matchers which include groups. It's a list of match
You can change regex.default in user setting to use hot key (alt+r) to execute 1 in 3 the above methods. Default is match
Tip: Type regex. to get snippets for regex
Tip: The first line is your regex, then is the content which need to match.
Tip: You can use regex a part of content by select content you want use regex. Note: The first line in your selection is your regex, and the next is content
Some snippets
regex.fomular : Generate regex pattern
Quick command
Alt + R : Execute default command which is declared in user setting
Ctrl + Alt + R : Execute default command then open new tab
Ctrl + Shift + P then type regex: Show regex command
thanh 28 vn
bill 40 us
Press F1, type ext install testing-regex
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
regex.default: must be in test, exec, match. Method used to test regex when you use hot key (alt + r). Default is match.