An extension that lets you access previous clipboard items using shortcuts and completion prompts inside the editor.
How the Extension Works
Once VS Code is open, any item copied from any source is recorded in your last N clipboard items.
Once you come back to an open file in the editor, press the % prompt key (this key is configurable) to see the available keyboard items.
If you know which clipboard item you want, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+[1-9], depending on which one you need.
Ctrl+Shift+1 gets the last copied item.
Ctrl+Shift+9 gets the 9th last copied item.
Clear Clipboard in the Command Pallette clears your current clipboard item, as well as any previous items.
Copying items within VS Code
Clearing the clipboard
Copying items from other sources
Using keybinds for pasting
Clipboard Access for Web version
When opening the web version of VS Code, you will be prompted for clipboard access; which needs to be granted for the extension to work.
If the access is given, the extension will start and a notification saying
Web version of Clipboard History & Hotkeys 📋 is now running!
will be displayed on the bottom right of the editor.
Note: A similar notification will be shown for the desktop version of the extension as well.
Contribution Guide
Feel free to create issues if you encounter bugs, or have feature requests.
Pull requests containing bug fixes and/or new features are welcome!
I've added the .vscode/launch.json, which will help you debug and test the extension.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
clipboard-history-and-hotkeys.clipboardPollInterval: The intervals (in ms) at which the extension checks for new content in the clipboard. The minimum possible value is 4ms due to limitations of the Web API. Note that this is an approximate figure.
clipboard-history-and-hotkeys.numberOfClipboardItems: The number of clipboard items to store. Default value of 10 ensures all paste keybinds are functional.
clipboard-history-and-hotkeys.triggerCharacter: The character that needs to be typed, to trigger the completion dropdown.
Design Decisions
This is a UI extension, instead of a Workspace extension.
This means even when code is being accessed through dev containers or SSH, on your local VS Code application, the extension still runs on your local machine and thus all copy and paste operations are recorded.
If it had been a Workspace extension, no copy-paste operations would be recorded (not even the ones that take place within the code of the remote environment, since we would not actually be executing copy or paste on the remote machine, but just on our local machine).