APM Pulse
Game-style APM counter for your VS Code status bar.
- Displays real-time actions per minute in the bottom status bar.
- Typing
- Open/close file
- Cursor location in file
- Terminal usagebar (keyboard icon)
- Command palette integration
- Customizable settings
The following commands are available through the VS Code command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Command |
Description |
Reset totals |
Resets the APM counter's total stat accumulation mechanism. |
Show totals |
Displays a message with your APM stats. |
The following settings are available in the user settings screen in Extensions > APM Pulse.
Setting |
Description |
Alignment |
Horizontal alignment in the status bar. |
Custom Icon |
For when the default icon clashes with another status bar item. |
Priority |
A higher priority aligns the extension closer to the edge of the window in relation to other extensions. |
This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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