Most commonly used settings easily accessible in the webview UI
project-image-browser.ViewImages: Open the image browser
project-image-browser.includeFolders: Within workspace folders only this path will be searched. For example: '\img\icons;\backgrounds'.
project-image-browser.excludeFolders: Folders that will be ignored when found at the end of a path. For example 'node_modules' would ignore '\frontend\node_modules'.
project-image-browser.imageBackground: Color/pattern displayed behind images. Can be any CSS color but it's advisable to set it using the webview UI.
project-image-browser.imageSize: Size of image preview in pixels. Can be adjusted in the UI
project-image-browser.lazyLoading: Only load images when scrolled into view. This makes the page open faster with large collections.
project-image-browser.viewColumn: The column of the editor in which to open the browser.
project-image-browser.pathDeliminator: The path deliminator used when displaying and copying paths to clipboard.
project-image-browser.includeProjectFolders: Determines which workspace folders will be searched. For multi-folder workspaces only and should only be configured using the UI.