Codebook MDBring your markdown to life with this VS Code extension! Execute code blocks and navigate to internal permalinks all in your local environment. Inspired by Jupyter notebooks, and a furious ongoing battle against boring documentation and markdown files. FeaturesExecutable code blocksExecute code blocks in markdown files by pressing the corresponding Play button at the top of the code block.
Custom SettingsSupport for workspace, user, and folder-level configurations File Link HoverFile links detected in markdown code blocks can be hovered over to view the contents of the file.
Output ConfigurationOutput from executed code blocks can be configured in the following ways:
CollaborationThis project is open to collaboration! If you have an idea for a feature, or would like to contribute to the project, please feel free to reach out to me via an issue. InspirationThis extension was inspired by the Jupyter notebook, which allows for the execution of code blocks in a notebook environment. The goal of this extension is to bring that functionality to markdown files in VS Code. While some inspiration was also drawn from existing markdown extensions in the VS Code marketplace, I wanted to have the ability to move quicker with adding new features and languages. More specifically, I wanted to implement a way to interact with local files from within the markdown file itself.