Originally converted from the Atom package made by awatson1978,
Can use with JavaScript, JavaScript React, Handlebars
JavaScript / JavaScript React / CoffeeScript
'if, else if, else' - ieie
'console.log' - log
'function()': - f
'Meteor.isClient' - isClient
'Meteor.isServer' - isServer
'Meteor.isCordova' - isCordova
'Meteor.startup' - startup
'Meteor.absoluteUrl' - absolute
'Meteor Publish' - publish
'Meteor Subscribe' - subscribe
'Meteor Methods' - methods
'Meteor.Error' - error
'' - call
'Meteor.status' - status
'Meteor.reconnect' - reconnect
'Meteor.disconnect' - disconnect
'Meteor.onConnection' - onConnection
'Mongo.Collection.ObjectID' - object
'Collection.find' - find
'Collection.findOne' - findOne
'Collection.insert' - insert
'Collection.Update' - update
'Collection.Upsert' - upsert
'Collection.remove' - remove
'Collection.allow' - allow
'Collection.deny' - deny
'Collection' - Collection
'Session.set' - set
'Session.get' - get
'Session.equals' - equals
'Session.setDefault' - setDefault
'Meteor.user' - varuser
'Meteor.userId' - userId
'Meteor.users' - users
'Meteor.loggingIn' - loggingIn
'Meteor.logout' - logout
'Meteor.logoutOtherClients' - logoutOtherClients
'Meteor.loginWithPassword' - logoutOtherClients
'Accounts' - Accounts
'Accounts.validateNewUser' - validateNewUser
'Accounts.onCreateUser' - onCreateUser
'Accounts.onLogin' - onLogin
'Accounts.onLoginFailure' - onLoginFailure
'Accounts.createUser' - createUser
'Accounts.changePassword' - changePassword
'Accounts.forgotPassword' - forgotPassword
'Accounts.resetPassword' - resetPassword
'Accounts.setPassword' - setPassword
'Accounts.verifyEmail' - verifyEmail
'Accounts.sendResetPasswordEmail' - sendResetPasswordEmail
'Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail' - sendEnrollmentEmail
'Accounts.sendVerificationEmail' - sendVerificationEmail
'Match.check' - check
'Match.test' - test
'Meteor.setTimeout' - setTimeout
'Meteor.setInterval' - setInterval
'Meteor.clearTimeout' - clearTimeout
'Meteor.clearInterval' - clearInterval
'Tracker.autorun' - autorun
'Tracker.flush' - flush
'Tracker.nonreactive' - nonreactive
'Tracker.onInvalidate' - onInvalidate
'Tracker.afterFlush' - afterFlush
'' - active'
'Tracker.currentComputation' - currentComputation
'Template Rendered' - rendered
'Template Events' - events
'Template Created' - created
'Template Destroyed' - destroyed
'Template' - Template
'Template Helpers' - helpers
'Template.registerHelper' - registerHelper
'Blaze.render' - render
'Blaze.renderWithData' - renderWithData
'Blaze.remove' - bremove
'Blaze.getData' - getData
'Blaze.toHTML' - toHTML
'Blaze.toHTMLWithData' - toHTMLWithData
'Blaze.isTemplate' - isTemplate
'EJSON.parse' - parse
'EJSON.stringify' - stringify
'EJSON.clone' - clone
'EJSON.equals' - deeequals
'EJSON.toJSONValue' - toJSON
'EJSON.fromJSONValue' - fromJSON
'EJSON.isBinary' - isBinary
'HTTP Call' - httpcall
'HTTP Get' - httpget
'' - httppost
'HTTP.put' - http.put
'HTTP.del' - httpdel
'Email.send' - Email
'Assets.getText' - getText
'Assets.getBinary' - getBinary
'verify.elementPresent' - vep
'verify.elementNotPresent' - venp
'waitForElementVisible' - wfev
'containsText' - vct
'click' - click'
'attributeEquals' - ae
'if' - if
'if - else' - ife
'unless' - un
'unless - else' - une
'with' - wt
'with - else' - wte
'each' - ea
'partial' - pa
'Blaze Template' - template
'Blaze #each' - #each
'Blaze #if' - #if
'Blaze #if else' - #ife
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