Run your test files automatically on your source file save.
How it works?
While saving any application app/models/{your_model}.rb file it will look for it's corresponding test file, depends on test framework you use it could be either: spec/models/{your_model}_spec.rb(RSpec) or test/models/{your_model}_test.rb(Minitest).
The results of the test command will be displayed in the Rails Test Runner terminal.
Create new VS Code workspace with your Rails application as the root folder
Choose your testing framework in extension settings
Make sure you have specified proper test directory in settings
Try saving any of your files in /app directory, it should either run test or display no corresponding test file found error
Extension Settings
railsAutomaticTestRunner.framework: Specifies which framework is used to execute test commands
railsAutomaticTestRunner.testsDirectory: Specifies the folder where your test files are located
railsAutomaticTestRunner.bundleExec: Append bundle exec before test command?
railsAutomaticTestRunner.envVariables: Pass any environment variables as a string there, eg: CRUCIAL_API_KEY=test
railsAutomaticTestRunner.args: Pass any arguments like --fail-fast as a string there
railsAutomaticTestRunner.automaticOutputDisplay: Automatically switch to the output tab, when enabled might interrupt terminal work