OMSI Script ExtensionThis VS Code extension provides syntax highlighting, editing tools, and analysis features for OMSI Script, which is used to script interactions between the game and scenery objects or vehicles in OMSI. FeaturesCode analysisThe extension checks your code for errors automatically, so you don’t need to start OMSI to find them. It catches things like syntax mistakes, missing system variables, undefined macros, and more. Code completion with documentationThe extension helps you write code more quickly by suggesting things you might need as you type. It shows options like variables, macros, and commands you've used before, as well as built-in system variables and macros. It even displays documentation for commands, so you know what they do right away. Document formattingThis feature tidies up your document by automatically organizing comments and code. It fixes indentation, making everything look clean and easy to read. Syntax highlightingThe extension adds syntax highlighting to make code easier to read and understand by coloring keywords, variables, and other elements. Release Notes1.1.1