A Visual Studio Code extension that helps you export selected files and directories to a Markdown document, complete with directory structure visualization and syntax-highlighted code blocks.
📝 Export code with syntax highlighting
📂 Generates directory tree structure
🔍 File search by pattern (e.g. *.py)
Click the Code Exporter icon in the Activity Bar (left sidebar).
Select files or directories to export by clicking them in the tree view:
Toggle selection by clicking a file/directory.
Use the “Search & Select Files” command to filter files by pattern (e.g. *.ts).
Use “Select All” / “Deselect All” buttons to manage selections swiftly.
Click the "Export Code to Markdown" button (or run the command from the Command Palette).
Choose where to save the exported Markdown file.
Open the generated Markdown file to view your exported code.
Extension Settings
This extension provides the following settings:
codeExporter.outputPath: Default path for exported Markdown files.
codeExporter.includeHidden: Include hidden files in the tree view.
codeExporter.excludePattern: Glob pattern for files to exclude (default: /node_modules/,/.git/).
codeExporter.defaultLanguageMap: Map file extensions to Markdown language identifiers. Default mappings: