Check duplicate lines in the file content or selection, and remove them if you need to keep the unique lines only.
🆕Since v0.1.0, DupChecker uses cuckoo-filter to speed up checking progress, and be able to handle large files with 100k+ lines.
❗️Note: for huge files with millions of lines, you may get an error like Extension host terminated unexpectedly
which is caused by JavaScript heap out of memory
exception, you'd better deal with the file outside vscode in this case.
Multiple Check Modes
Check Duplicates
: check duplicate lines immediately.
Check Duplicates With Trim Condition
: trim customer input characters first (on both start and end).
Check Duplicates With Regex Match
: capture matched substrings with customer input regex first (DupChecker will use the last match if you have multiple groups in regex).
Check Duplicates (For All Files)
: check duplicate lines for all files in workspace one by one.
In Preferences -> settings:

Or in settings.json
"dupchecker": {
"trimStart": true, // trim starting whitespaces in each line, default: true
"trimEnd": true, // trim ending whitespaces in each line, default: true
"ignoreCase": false, // ignore case when comparing lines, default: false
"leaveEmptyLine": true, // leave an empty line after removing duplicates if true, or remove whole line(including line break) if false, default: true
"removeAllDuplicates": false // remove all duplicate lines including the first occurrence if true, default: false
"checkAllFilesInclude": "**" // GlobPattern for files to include in [Check Duplicates (For All Files)] mode, default: "**"
"checkAllFilesExclude": "" // GlobPattern for files to exclude in [Check Duplicates (For All Files)] mode, default: ""
"checkAllFilesNumLimit": 100 // Maximum number of files to include in [Check Duplicates (For All Files)] mode, default: 100
Config checkAllFilesInclude
and checkAllFilesExclude
uses GlobPattern.
e.g. *
stands for all files under a folder(non-recursive), **
stands for all files under a folder(recursive).
Learn more syntax of GlobPattern.
Use Case
Check Duplicates

Check Duplicates With Trim Condition

Check Duplicates With Regex Match

See the Releases section of our GitHub project for changelogs for each release version.
This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.