Copy file name If the file name is index, copy the name of the folder where the file is located
Copy relative path Copy the path relative to the currently viewed file
Copy absolute path Copy the absolute path of the file
ctrl + shift + a Formatting the tab where the cursor is located as a multi-line/single line
ctrl + shift + c Copy the attribute of the tab closest to the cursor in the tab where the cursor is located
ctrl + shift + d Execute ctrl + shift + c and then delete
alt + b Format the contents of the parentheses ((), [], {}, <>) where the cursor is placed as a multi-line/single line
ctrl + alt + c Copy the item in parentheses ((), [], {}, <>) where the cursor is located
ctrl + alt + d Execute ctrl + alt + c and then delete
ctrl + alt + v Paste after the attribute closest to the cursor in the parentheses where the cursor is located
ctrl + alt + h The currently viewed vue file, scroll to the template block
ctrl + alt + j The currently viewed vue file, scroll to the script block
ctrl + alt + k The currently viewed vue file, scroll to the style block
Code Snippets
alt + q Insert console.log(selected character || word where cursor is located || contents of clipboard)
alt + w Insert console.log (use word from last cursor position)
alt + f Replace the Chinese symbols nearest the cursor (3 lines) with English symbols
alt + g Replace the English symbols nearest the cursor (3 lines) with Chinese symbols
alt + backspace Delete the word closest to the cursor (3 lines)
ctrl + shift + v Special paste, formatted according to clipboard contents
If Copy relative path, Copy absolute path copied content
Read before and after the cursor (10 lines), determine the import mode, whether to add a semicolon, whether to add a newline, and whether to replace the @ symbol for vue items
import filename from 'path', const filename = require('path')
In the case of ctrl + shift + c, ctrl + shift + d copied content
Paste after the attribute closest to the cursor in the tab where the cursor is located
Determine whether the label is multi-line/single line, whether to add newlines or not