Language-Support and Debugger for YottaDB / GT.M
This is a language support for Mumps (M) running on YottaDB/GT.M
- Syntax-highlighting
- Finding entryrefs
- Single-step-debugging
- Breakpoints and conditional breakpoints possible
- subroutine-check for correct NEWing
- Conversion from short to long commands and vice versa via CTRL-E
- Folding provider included
- Global-viewer in the sidebar - active while debugging
- Routine-sorter - sorts your subroutines inside the editor alphabetically via CTRL-ALT-S experimental
- Search for syntax errors in all .m files via CTRL-ALT-E
- completely free, just have fun - BUT ALL ON YOUR OWN RISK!
Using mumps-debug
Install the mumps-debug extension in VS Code.
Put the MDEBUG.m Routine in your M-Program-Directory and start it. MDEBUG
Edit the launch.json and set hostname of the host MDEBUG runs on.
Maybe change Port in launch.json and in MDEBUG.m if Port 9000 isn't useable.
Also set the localRoutinesPath to map the directory on your VS Code machine to the machine where MDEBUG.m runs.
Open a M-Program you want to debug in VS Code and start debugging via "F5"
If you don't want some or all variables to be checked you can change this in Settings->Settings->Extensions->mumps-debug
Example: Variables Y,Y1,YDATE,X are constants you don't want to NEW
you put in the settings above: Y.*,X
If you want to disable this check only in one file, just add a comment line: ;ignoreVars:abc,def.*
If you discover problems please send a bug report on the github-page.
Project Page:
A possible launch.json
could look like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "mumps",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug active File",
"program": "${file}",
"stopOnEntry": true,
"hostname": "",
"localRoutinesPath": "y:\\",
"port": 9000