comint README
Inspired by Emacs' comint-mode. Your keyboard shortcuts all work because it's just a regular text editor, with a shell inside.
Run a shell (or other repl) in a text editor.
- Use commands
comint.inputRingPrevious and comint.inputRingNext like your up/down arrows in the terminal emulator, to cycle through previous commands.
- Use command
comint.sendCtrlC to send a control-c signal to the process.
- ANSI/SGR codes for colors and some cursor movement are rendered properly (or ignored if they do not apply).
- tab-completion for bash kinda works, but only for
stty -echo for now.
See notes/comments at the top of extension.ts . TODO move them somewhere better.
This doesn't work in or similar. You must have the ability to run an interactive process.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
comint.shellFile :
comint.shellFileArgs :
comint.shellInitCommands :
comint.promptRegex :
Known Issues
Only tested on osx with bash 5.x
Unknown Issues
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