Static Site HeroStatic website generators allow you to write your web content in Markdown with YAML metadata and then render out the site as plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This approach doesn't work well for truly dynamic sites, but works great for static content like blogs where the content only changes when you publish something new. To get the most out of your static site generator, you need a trusty text editor tricked out with extensions and snippets to help you. Static Site Hero to the RescueStatic Site Hero is an extension for Visual Studio Code that adds some functions to help you along.
More helpers will be added as I think of them. I started this project to go along with my Pluralsight course Hacking VS Code: Write Your First Extension for Visual Studio Code. InstallIn VS Code just hit Inserting Figures or LinksThere are currently two functions. Insert Image or File LinkIf you are in Windows or Linux hit If you are on a Mac hit Just type in the file name and hit Insert Figure TagIf you are in Windows or Linux hit If you are on a Mac hit This is a wizard, so just follow through the steps.
That's it! ConfigurationUnder User Preferences you can override the following configuration settings:
Update Log1.0.2Modified this readme to show the 1.0.1 log update... 1.0.1Switched Marketplace Banner text from dark to light 1.0.0Initial Publication |