jedwards1211.vscode-flow-ideAn alternative-alternative Flowtype extension for Visual Studio Code. This is my heavily cleaned up fork of vscode-flow-ide. Flowtype is a static type checker meant to find errors in Javascript programs. FeaturesAutocomplete & diagnostics Show types on hover
Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
Known Issues
Release Notes1.1.2Made the formatting of hover provider nicer. Fixed a bug that caused caching of coverage results. Now it displays coverage as you save the files. Add go to definition capabilities( thanks @SaboteurSpk) Fix misplaced error for missing JSX props( thanks @SaboteurSpk) 1.1.0Fix incorrectly detecting local Flow installs Format properly the hover text Guard against various crashes due to running flow on files it shouldn't run against 1.0.0Initial release of VSCode flow-ide ThanksInspired by Flow for VSCode and [Atom Flow-ide]( https:/ ) . |