This is a Trongate Framework specific IntelliSense. It does not contain a general PHP IntelliSense, so recommend you to use PHP Intelephense for a better experience.
Quick Start:
Make sure you have an opened Trongate project in a VSCode workspace. The extension will be looking for config, engine, modules, public , templates folders as they are the core anatomy of the Trongate Framework.
The current IntelliSense supports Autocomplete, Function Signature, Hover Over, Jump to Definition
Current Support:
Note: The trigger phrases are ' " ( >
If the autocomplete disappears and you want it to pop up again, just simply remove the trigger phrase and type again. The popup should show up again.
For example: when you type $data['view_module'] = , right after you type a single or double quote, the autocomplete will be triggered. If it disappears and you want it to popup again as per our previous example. $data['view_module'] = '', just remove the '' at the end and once you type ' again, it will appear again.
Use examples:
Pop up all the modules, within your modules folder:
$data['view_module'] = '';
Pop up all the view files which are within the view_module(you need to do$data['view_module'] = 'something';to let the IntelliSense know which module's view file you are after):
$data['view_file'] = '';
When you try to load up a module:
When you try to load all the public functions within the module you just loaded, for example: $this->module('something');:
Show all the public functions from the templates/controllers/Templates.php: