A Visual Studio Code extension to allow a Read-Eval-Print-Loop connected to a Musa-DSL REPL server.
Musa-DSL is a Ruby Domain Specific Language for algorithmic musical composition.
The Musa-DSL server should be implemented creating a new REPL instance inside the binding context of the sequencer DSL. A simple instantiation scenario is the following:
This opens a REPL socket in localhost:1327. MusaLCEClientForVSCode extension automatically connects to this default server.
Keystrokes inside Visual Studio Code:
Ctrl-Alt-M: opens the Musa-DSL REPL Status panel. This panel shows the responses from the server when it evals the commands sent from the Atom client. The response includes the inmediate response and the future responses for the commands that develop in time.
Ctrl-Alt-Return: sends current selection or current line (if nothing is selected) as a command to Musa-DSL REPL server. The response is shown in Musa-DSL REPL Status panel.