The vscode-crazzo extension provides support for the Crazzo protocol, including validation, completion, and TypeScript type code generation. This extension is designed to help developers work more efficiently with Crazzo JSON files by providing useful tools and features directly within Visual Studio Code.
Validation: Automatically validate .crazzo.json files for errors and display diagnostics within the editor.
TypeScript Type Code Generation: Generate TypeScript type definitions from Crazzo JSON files.
Completion: Provide code completion for Crazzo JSON files.
The extension automatically validates .crazzo.json files in your workspace. You can also manually trigger validation by running the vscode-crazzo.validate command from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac).
Preview Sdk Code Generation
To preview Sdk Code from Crazzo JSON files, run the vscode-crazzo.makeCode command from the command palette.
TypeScript Type Code Generation
To generate TypeScript type definitions from your Crazzo JSON files, run the vscode-crazzo.generate command from the command palette.
vscode-crazzo.validate: Validate the currently active Crazzo JSON file.
vscode-crazzo.generate: Generate TypeScript type definitions from Crazzo JSON files in the workspace.
Install the recommended extensions (amodio.tsl-problem-matcher, ms-vscode.extension-test-runner, and dbaeumer.vscode-eslint).
Run the watch task via the Tasks: Run Task command to start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode.
Set breakpoints in your code inside src/extension.ts.
Press F5 to open a new window with your extension loaded.
Use the debug console to view output from your extension.
Run the watch-tests task via the Tasks: Run Task command to start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode for tests.
Open the Testing view from the activity bar and click the Run Test button, or use the hotkey Ctrl/Cmd + ; A.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.