VS Theme Generator
VS Theme Generator allows you to create your perfect VS Code theme without the hassle of having to create your own extension.
Generate Custom Theme
Once you have downloaded and installed VSThemeGenerator you will be able to modify your theme by adding the configuration variable themeGenerator.colors
"themeGenerator.colors": {
"background": "#21282d",
"foreground": "#fff",
"primary": "#327193",
"keywords": "#43baba",
"functions": "#3fa5c1",
"strings": "#b9ecfa",
"numbers": "#8789c0",
"punctuation": "#494f53",
"operators": "#327193",
"comment": "#3d4b54",
"tags": "#43baba",
"attributes": "#3fa5c1",
"properties": "#43baba",
"builtins": "#b5ca8d",
"variables": "#fff",
"types": "#3fa5c1"
Once you have added your colors you can check out your theme by opening your command palette CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P
and running Generate Theme
This will create the theme files required for your generated theme. Reload the VS Code window through the command palette: Reload Window
. You can then select the theme by going to Preferences: Color Theme
in the command palette and selecting GeneratedTheme
Random Theme
Through the command palette CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P
run Random Theme
. This will generate a psuedo random color theme (attempts to create some readability by limiting the ranges on certain values). Reload the VS Code window through the command palette: Reload Window
. You can then select the theme by going to Preferences: Color Theme
in the command palette and selecting GeneratedTheme
Features that I plan to implement include:
- Continuous improvement to language support
- Increased customizability on scopes
Let me know if there is any feature you want, or bug you need fixed: Github Repo