CodeGuid READMEWelcome to CodeGuid! It's a simple extension to VS Code that allows access to a simple GUID generator for development.
Known IssuesI'm using copy-paste to deliver clipboard access. It doesn't seem to have an error callback if something goes wrong. Maybe it never will? I have absolute faith in xavi, whoever that blessed soul is. Release Notes1.3.1Update README. 1.3.0Dependency updates to resolve potential vulnerabilities. 1.2.4Updated README. 1.2.3Updated my package-lock to remove references to event-stream and flatmap-stream due to the large kerfuffle going on here. I'm not using these dependencies anyway - I think they were created by an old version of the VS Code Extension Yeoman generator. Also did general code cleanup and updated some configuration files to the modern age of VS Code. 1.2.1Updated README. 1.2.0Change the default keybinding for "Insert GUID at Cursor" to 1.0.1Added a new command that inserts a generated GUID at the cursor location in the active text editor and rebound the default keybinding to it (since this command is basically Lorelai, and the old one is more or less Kirk). 0.9.2CodeGuid is born! |