Phoenix SnippetsWorking on a Phoenix/Elixir project? Get up and running faster on VS Code with code snippets for Elixir, Phoenix, and Phoenix LiveView (.ex, .html.eex, .html.leex). Supported languages
SnippetsCheck out the snippet files on Github for an up-to-date list of snippets. ShortcutsWithin
To create... | Use shortcut |
<%= ___ %> | e= |
<%= case ___ do %> | case |
<%= cond do %> | cond |
<% else %> | else |
<% end %> | =e |
<%= for ___ <- ___ do %> | for |
<%= form_for ___, Routes.____path(@conn, ___)}, ___, fn f -> %> | ff |
<%= error_tag ___, ___ %> | et |
<%= label ___, ___, "___" %> | la |
<%= password_input ___, ___ %> | pi |
<%= submit ___ %> | sub |
<%= text_input ___, ___ %> | ti |
<%= if ___ do %> | if |
<%= link "___", to: ___ %> | lt |
<%= link to: ___ do %> | ltb |
<%= render "___.html", ___ %> | render |
<%= unless ___ do %> | unless |
<%= f = form_for ___, "#", [phx_change: :validate, phx_submit: :submit] %> | ffl |
<%= live_patch "___", to: Routes.____path(@socket, ___) %> | lp |
<%= live_patch to: Routes.____path(@socket, ___) do %> | lpb |
<%= live_redirect "___", to: Routes.____path(@socket, ____) %> | lr |
<%= live_redirect to: Routes.____path(@socket, ___) do %> | lrb |
Within ordinary Elixir code:
To create... | Use shortcut |
inspect(___) | i |
IO.inspect(___) | io |
IO.inspect(___, label: "___") | iol |
defmodule ___Web.___ do | plug |
defmodule ___Web.___Controller do | co |
defmodule ___Web.___Live do | lv |
defmodule ___Web.___Component do | lc |
defmodule ___Web.___View do" | vi |
~L""" | sl |
assign(socket, ___: ___) | a |
def handle_event("___", ___, socket) do | he |
def handle_info("___", socket) do | hi |
def handle_params(params, _url, socket) do | hp |
def render(assigns) do\n\t~L""" | re |
def render(assigns) do\n\tPhoenix.View.render(___Web.___View, "___.html", assigns) | ret |