It's possible to use wollemi through a plz alias command, so I would recommend instally plz and optionally wollemi.
If you are using wollemi through a plz alias command, change the vs-wollemi.wollemiCommand setting to your alias command (eg: plz wollemi).
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
vs-wollemi.runOnSave: enable/disable this extension
vs-wollemi.autoClearConsole: clears the "output" console before each run
vs-wollemi.wollemiCommand: command to trigger wollemi (you won't need to change this if you are using the wollemi tool directly) shell to execute the command with, probably don't bother changing this.
Known Issues
I haven't bothered implementing the tests yet.
Might not work on windows due to \ paths? Let me know if it does not.
Release Notes
Initial release of vs-wollemi, will run ${wollemi} fmt ${path} on save and atm that's all I need to stay tuned for potential updates...