vscode-documaxvscode-documax is an extension for Visual Studio Code that allows you to transform YAML files as structured data into Max reference files. It offers a few bells and whistles to make this process simple, such as:
How do I use it?Install the extension! That's it for the first part. ConfigurationCreate a configuration, or don't. Here is how the extension works if you DON'T make a configuration. It reads all YAML files in a folder named Read more about the configuration below in the next section. CommandsDocumax exposes three commands:
While a valid YAML file is open in the editor, triggering
The extension will first read your configuration, and then process each configuration as follows. This is a "batch" process.
This configures a status toggle by which if any changes are detected to the workspace, it will retrigger the batch process of generating outputs. Useful for seeing the output as you edit and for working iteratively. Configuration SchemaA configuration is a This file defines a series of configurations that the extension will use to process an input folder and delivers the results to an output folder. If this is too abstract, a basic configuration will look like this:
Everytime you generate an output, either via the automatic file watching, or a manual generation all of the