Angular templates style suggestionsFeaturesThis extension provides intelisense for classes and ids in angular templates. Supports SASS, SCSS, LESS and CSS. Classes from component styleNote: Suggestions in html file templates rely on matching filenames. So extension won't work if component's ts file is in a different directory than the template. Classes from global stylesThe extension tracks files specified in styles array of default project in angular.json file. These suggestions are cached until one of the files changes or angular.json changes. Global scss file can import other files and suggestions will include them but only main style files from angular.json are tracked. To detect changes from files cache must be reset, see commands and configuration. Commands
Commands that resets cached global styles Configuration
File pattern used to locate angular.json, default is
Name of the project from angular.json to get global styles from, if empty uses value of 'defaultProject' from angular.json
List of file patterns to monitor for changes in addition to those from angular.json. Any change in them will global class reset cache.
Example pattern:
List of regexes to filter file paths used for suggestions, if matches all classes and ids from the file will be ignored.
Caches suggestions until currently edited file changes. Default is true
Show classes and ids from globally defined styles. Default is true
Tries to resolve navigation links in @import rules in stylesheets using paths defined in angular.json 'stylePreprocessorOptions.includePaths'. Disabled by default. Requirements