Relative Path Extension for VS Code
Get the relative path to any file in your workspace
Press Ctrl+Shift+H
(Mac: Cmd+Shift+H
) and start typing the file you want.
How to use
- Install the extension
- Press
(Mac: Cmd+Shift+H
) and start typing the file you want.
- The file you want will appear as you type
- 🪄 Select your file from the dropdown!
The following settings are customizable. You likely do not need these, but if you do, here are your options
They can be set in user preferences (ctrl+,
or cmd+,
) or workspace settings (.vscode/settings.json
// A glob by which to filter results
"relativePath.includeGlob": "/**/*.*",
// An array of glob keys to ignore when searching.
"relativePath.ignore": [
// Excludes the extension from the relative path url (Useful for systemjs imports).
"relativePath.removeExtension": false,
// An array of extensions to exclude from the relative path url (Useful for used with Webpack or when importing files of mixed types)
"relativePath.excludedExtensions": [
// For performance optimization the default limit for quick filter is 1,000 files.
// Extending this may lead to performance issues
"relativePath.searchCountLimit": 1000,
// Removes the leading ./ character when the path is pointing to a parent folder.
"relativePath.removeLeadingDot": true,
// "Omit path parts by matched Regular Expressions
"relativePath.omitParts": [
In Multi root workspaces:
Everytime you switch to a file from a different folder the files in that folder are indexed and
cached to improve search performance. If you have multiple large folders part of a workspace
frequent switches between folders might slow you down.
In Single project workspace:
The caching of the filelist in the project happens only once. If your workspace contains a lot of files
please wait for the initial file list to be created.
Report them here.