Note: wrangler must be installed and logged into for this extension to work.
Run and save queries against both remote and local KV stores
Note: Local mode is under development and requires setting the cloudflare-devtools.wranglerPath to a local build or hosted npx package. There are bugs.
{Read, write, put, and delete} {keys, values, metadata, and expirations} for all KV entries.
Heavy caching to reduce unneeded list and get operations
cloudflare-devtools.kv.queries: Controls which queries are shown in the View. Note: your wrangler.toml ID's are likely out of sync with the true ID's as set on the Web UI. When in doubt, use the Web ID's values (except when doing local developement).
cloudflare-devtools.wranglerPath: Command to run for executing wrangler.
For instance, using npx will allow you to test local mode against the PR's implementation.
Alternatively, node /some/path/to/wrangler-dist/cli.js will allow you to use a local build of wrangler.
Known Issues
Local mode does not properly render JSON as a parsed value. View Bug
Local mode does not properly respect prefix filtering. View Bug