This extension designed to beautify Javascript code according to my syntax rules.
Spaceify - Creates equal space between multiple variables declaration and their value.
Order Imports - Order import statements by length from the shortest one to the longest one.
Loneline - Changes all control flows (arrow functions, if, else, for, etc...) that have only one line to one line with no curly brackets.
Vars Rename - Replaces all variables declaration declared by 'var' to 'let' as ES6 standards.
Constify - Replaces declaration of all variables that have a constant value to 'const' as ES6 standards.
Arrow Shot - Change all functions to arrow functions as ES6 standards.
Extension Settings
myBeautify.beautify: Apply all the beautify fixes.
myBeautify.spaceify: Create equal space between multiple variables declaration and their value.
myBeautify.loneline: Change all control flows that have only one line content, to one line with no curly brackets.
myBeautify.orderImports: Order import statements by length.
myBeautify.varsRename: Replace all variables declaration declared by 'var' to 'let' as ES6 standards.
myBeautify.constify: Replace declaration of all variables that have a constant value to 'const' as ES6 standards.
myBeautify.arrowShot: Change all functions to arrow functions as ES6 standards.
Order Importscommand applies only on one line imports and stops when there is a line brake.
Constifycommand applies only if the declaration is at the beginning of a line and the equal sign is in the same line of the declaration.
Arrow Shotcommand does not work if there are two or more function declarations in the same line.
Lonelinecommand does not work if the length of the new line will be higher than 135.
All comands does not apply when it will cause an error.For exsample if you call a function before initialize or if the function uses 'this', arrow shot command will not replace that with arrow function.So if some command does not work, make sure your code suitable to the changes you want.
I tried my best to calculate all errors That might happen during the fixes above and prevent it, and I hope everything was taken into account. Even so, there is no perfect code and if you find an error I would love to receive a feedback so I can try to fix it.