PowerShell Universal is a single of pane of glass to manage your automation environment. This extension helps in the development of tools using PowerShell Universal.
Automatically insert Invoke-RestMethod to call APIs
Edit APIs
View dashboards
Open Dashboard scripts
Restart Dashboards
View Dashboard log
Debug Dashboard Process
View scripts
Edit scripts
Run scripts and receive notifications on job status
Edit configuration scripts
Windows, Linux or Mac
PowerShell v5.1 or later
Modern Web Browser
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
powershellUniversal.appToken: An app token for communicating with the Universal REST API. An app token will be granted the first time the extension starts up.
powershellUniversal.url: The URL to your PowerShell Universal server.
powershellUniversal.localEditing: Whether to edit local configuration files or using the REST API
powershellUniversal.connections: An array of connections.