VSCode PresetsATTENTION! An extension is currently under active development. Not usable yet. Save presets of your workspaces and use them across many projects.
Afterwards, you will be able to create workspaces by your Preset. Each workspace will contain all necessary configuration files, specific themes (colors, file icons, product icons), workspace settings. Moreover, a Preset-specific set of extensions will be installed automatically, enabled workspace-only (ridding you from messing with an innumerable amount of installed ones, enabled by default). Finally, instead of an empty workspace, you will have a fully-configured one, ready for further development from scratch or not. Community Presets may save you even more time, eliminating the need for workspace configuration. FeaturesDescribe specific features of your extension including screenshots of your extension in action. Image paths are relative to this README file. For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace: ![feature X](images/feature-x.png)
RequirementsIf you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them. Extension SettingsInclude if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the For example: This extension contributes the following settings:
Known IssuesCalling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension. Release NotesFollowing extension guidelinesEnsure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension. Working with MarkdownNote: You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
For more informationEnjoy! |