Welcome to a new era of software localization!Enhance your VSCode with the UI Translator capabilities and manage your content translations right from your code. CapabilitiesThe first two capabilities are meant to be used with prepared content and the two last ones for adding new content without leaving your code file. 1. Autocomplete by valuesValues autocompletion is an easy way(Our preferred one in fact) to add prepared messages to your code using the available content values. The Values completion trigger is Depending on your i18n strategy and tool, you may also decide how exactly the UI Translator plugin should add your content in the code. You can configure snippets per project workspace(or per root folder for multi root workspaces) and per language in the extension settings. The example above is triggered with 2. Autocomplete by keysKeys autocompletion is a handy way to add prepared messages to your code using the available content keys. The Keys completion trigger is Depending on your i18n strategy and tool, you may also decide how exactly the UI Translator plugin should add your content in the code. You can configure snippets per project workspace(or per root folder for multi root workspaces) and per language in the extension settings. The example above is triggered with 3. Convert static content to translatable messagesThis feature aims to help you convert static content from your code into a translatable message without leaving your code. To convert a content, select it and then use the Depending on your i18n strategy and tool, you may also decide how exactly the UI Translator plugin should add your content in the code. You can configure snippets per project workspace(or per root folder for multi root workspaces) and per language in the extension settings. 4. Easily add new messages by IDsThis feature aims to help you adding new translatable messages in your content base without leaving your code. To add a new message, just type an ID then use the Important: If you support complex structures in your messages like Depending on your i18n strategy and tool, you may also decide how exactly the UI Translator plugin should add your content in the code. You can configure snippets per project workspace(or per root folder for multi root workspaces) and per language in the extension settings. Project setupBefore you can start enjoying modern content management in your code, you need to setup so that the UI Translator knows which content base to sync with this project. 0. First, set the messages snippetsFirst thing to do is to tell the plugin how you want your translatable messages to be inserted into the code.
1. Create the project content baseContent bases are hosted by the UI Translator and you have to create one before proceeding. . Open the UI Translator Web App and join the early access program, then login. 2. Link the remote projectBack in the your VS Code: 3. Prepare your contentNow that your content base is ready, you can prepare some content that will be made available in autocompletion. Scan the User-Interface pictureIf the project is still empty click on the Import existing contentImport your App existing content into the platform from JSON or ANDROID-XML files. Add a content managerThe content manager's role is to manage the content of the project, he/she can add, update, delete content, add translators, developers and other collaborators. Enjoy! |