dbrun (EARLY BETA)Run SQL commands. Only oracle support currently. ConfigurationUsed in vscode settings:
Note that the rowLimit option is ignored when you open the results in a new window and the limit there is a hardcoded 99000 Example Output
If the output window get wrapped and messes your results up use this in your vscode settings file:
Default ShortcutsFor use only in "sql" language files (ctrl-k m sql)
UsageTo find the current query it grabs the block the cursor resides in vs code. It gets the string between the first blank lines starting from the cursor positions. Do not end your commands with a semicolon ";", it will result in an error being thrown dbrun.runThis is a generic command that accepts one single json object with these properties to be used in custom keybindings
AutocompleteInitial support added for autocompletion of tables, views, functions, procedures, packages. Only their name is fetched currently. They get fetched only when you manually use "ctrl+space" and the names get cached until you reload vscode Query ParametersYou can use parameters in your files like ":THEID" At the beggining of your sql file you should add each parameter using this format: "--:PARAM=VALUE" Example:
dbrun tries to automatically detect the type of the parameter using sophisticated skynet-level AI: if (parsed != nan) etc TransactionsEverything is run under a single transaction and you should run "commit" to commit the changes ORACLE: AUTOCOMMIT IS OFF POSTGRES: AUTOCOMMIT IS ON |