InterSystems IRIS makes it easier to build high-performance, machine learning-enabled applications that connect data and application silos.
It provides high performance database management, interoperability, and analytics capabilities, all built-in from the ground up to speed and simplify your most demanding data-intensive applications.
As a complete, cloud-first data platform, InterSystems IRIS eliminates the need to integrate multiple technologies, resulting in less code, fewer system resources, less maintenance, and higher ROI.
Try out the SQL QuickStart and explore more getting started exercises.
- Install SQLTools in VS Code from the Marketplace
- Install the InterSystems extension to SQLTools
- Install a published version from within VS Code
- Click on the Extensions icon in your Activity pane
- Search for SQLTools
- Find InterSystems and click on Install
- Or install a beta version
- Go to the GitHub releases page
- Expand Assets triangle for the latest version
- Download the file ending in
- Click on the Extensions icon in the Activity pane
- In the Extensions pane, at the top right, click the "..." menu and select "Install from VSIX..."
- Click the SQLTools icon in the Activity pane (left side of VS Code)

- If you have no previous database connections, you will see an "Add new connection" button. Click that.

- If you already have other connections defined, you won't see the button. Instead, open the command palette (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P) and run "SQLTools Management: Add New Connection"

- Click InterSystems IRIS
- Fill out connection information
- Test the connection
- Save the connection
With a connection defined, you can now write SQL, browse tables, etc.
To write raw SQL
- Click the "New SQL file" icon
- Write your SQL statement
- Click "Run on active connection"
- Or, select the SQL statement text, and execute it
- either right-click and select "Run selected query" from the contentual menu
- or type Command-E, Command-E (Mac)
- or type Ctrl-E, Ctrl-E (Windows)
To browse tables
- Click on your connection
- Click on "Tables"
- Right-click on the table of interest
- From the contextual menu, select "Show table records"