syntax highlighting, auto completion, hover informations and go to definition functionality for evaluated strings in factory json files
auto completion, hover informations, go to definition and find all references for geometry names in factory json files
open obj or ctm files of geometries in blender through a command
find references for attachpoint keys and foreign keys
a reference to a key is either a point with the same key and type or a point with a matching foreign key.
a reference to a foreign is either a point with the same foreign key and type or a point with a matching foreign key.
auto completion, hover informations, go to definition and find all references for materials and material categories in factory json files
available materials will also be loaded from the IG.Asset.Service. The extension will automatically use your IG environment variables. You can also override the used Asset Server and the internal address using vscode settings.
auto completion, hover informations and diagnostics for evaluators, interactors and their parameters
available parameters and their types are retrieved from _index.json files
parameters with primitive data types are validated
regular material and geometry features will be enabled for parameters of type material and geometry -> these follow the standard rules and allow for unscoped local resources as well as scoped basic resources
snippets for factory.json and script _package.json boilerplate
commands for factory.json upload
automatically provides json schemas for factory, _index.json, animation.json and _package.json files
commands for upload of script packages
allow 3d to be viewed and configured directly within vscode, with data from the Creator or data that exists locally