Completely unofficial, This extension allows you to see your Go CD pipelines from within VSCode
Looking for help
Anyone wishing to contribute should get in touch!
I currently only have my work Go CD environment to work from, so anyone with an environment where I can test authentication, pipeline failing, etc, would be really great!
Getting Started
Simply run the command: Go CD: Set Global Config and fill in the information required!
A small statusbar item can be added at the bottom of the view displaying the latest build status
Can automatically detect which pipeline to select based on your projects git url
A new sidebar button to view all of the pipelines
View stages and jobs
View status of a pipeline
Can stream the console logs from GoCD straight into your editor
Be notified from within VSCode when pipelines fail
Extension Settings
Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.
For example:
This extension contributes the following settings:
gocd.url: The url of your GoCD environment. Usually ends in /go/
For help configuring this, use the command: Go CD: Set Global Config
gocd.username: If you have any authentication, this is your username. Otherwise, leave blank.
For help configuring this, use the command: Go CD: Set Global Config
Authentication is completely untested... I have no idea if this works 😬
gocd.password: If you have any authentication, this is your password. Otherwise, leave blank.
For help configuring this, use the command: Go CD: Set Global Config
Authentication is completely untested... I have no idea if this works 😬
gocd.pipeline: Should be set to the name of one of your pipelines.
Better configured using the command: Go CD: Automatically Guess Selected Pipelines if in a git repository.
Otherwise use the command: Go CD: Manually Select Pipeline to pick from a list.
gocd.refreshInterval: Describes how often should the extension should poll the GoCD server in milliseconds
Defaults to 20 seconds
Known Issues
There is almost no error handling
Currently completely untested. Tests will be written.
There are going to be a lot here
Implement proper error handling
Write tests!
Work on correcting the host url if it's slightly off
Automatically add /go/ if needed
When a pipeline fails, add a button to automatically get the logs
Change the log streamer to a webview? (Can't currently see terminal colors)