Reduce Wildcard Patterns
Visual Studio Code extension to reduce wildcard pattern lines.
- Select lines.
If no line is selected, the entire text is taken.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+P or F1 to show Command Palett.
- Execute Reduce Wildcard Pattenrs.
Compare each row and reduce the number of rows by wildcard matching.
- A star (
* ) matches any string, including empty string.
- A question mark (
? ) matches any single character.
- A star takes precedence over a question mark.
- The program does not determine the precedence between
x*y?z and x?y*z .
However, you can make x*y*z by your hand in this case.
- Consecutive starts are compressed into one.
- Character classes (
[...] , [!...] , and [^...] ) are not supported.
Brackets are treated as literal characters.
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