This extension aims to aid in (System)Verilog development by providing an easy-to-run interface to the Cadence® XCELIUM product suite.
Prerequisite on your machine
XCELIUM product suite
The XCELIUM executable xrun
must be installed on your machine.
The extension requires the verible-verilog-ls
executable installed
on your machine.
On Linux and Windows, the plug-in will try to download the necessary
executable (if it's not already available).
Get a binary distribution for your Operating System at
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: The path to verible-verilog-ls executable, e.g.: /usr/bin/verible-verilog-ls.
: Arguments for verible-verilog-ls server.
: Specify custom path of the build directory.
: Specify custom path of the XCELIUM install (where the bin/ and tools/ are located).
: List of string messages to ignore when parsing the log file, e.g.: NOMTDGUI.
Test view
A test is encapsulated in a view.
A full yml view is shown below with additional information about the options.
The optional parameters are annotated and filled with their default value, unless stated otherwise.
Be careful, # counts as a comment in YML, if a # inside of a command or signal is required, it must be properly escaped.
name: example # identifier for the test, e.g. rtl, synth, pnr, ...
top: example_tb # module name used as top level for this test, e.g. hello_world_tb
directories: # (optional)
build: ${workspaceFolder}/build # (optional) where to put the build files
include: # (optional) list of directories to search for include files
- ${workspaceFolder}/include
parameters: # (optional) list of parameter objects as NAME: VALUE, must be integers
defines: # (optional) list of define objects as NAME: VALUE, the value is optional
files: # list of all required (System)Verilog files, (shell) wildcards are allowed
- ${workspaceFolder}/rtl/**.sv
- ${workspaceFolder}/test/**.sv
- ${workspaceFolder}/testbench/
xrun: # (optional) additional xrun command line options, e.g. -gui to open the gui (not done by default)
- -gui
simvision: # (optional) simvision commands, e.g. to probe signals (not done by default)
- probe -create -shm -all -depth all -packed 4k -unpacked 1024 -memories # this will probe all signals
signals: # (optional) list of signals to view in the waveform window, more information below
- /clk
Both xrun
, simvision
and signals
options also accept a string instead of an array of strings.
This allows the user to create their own files to use instead of using the list.
This string is allowed to contain ${workspaceFolder} if a relative path is preferred.
The signals options tries to make viewing signals easier.
The user can put their own lines here, or he can use custom options:
waveform add -signals { example_tb.clk }
: any simvision command can be put here, additional options (e.g. color) can be specified here.
add_signal clk
: shorthand version of the above, bypasses the need to provide the module name, making reuse easier
: even shorter version of the one above
waveform add -cdivider divider
: add a divider (normal simvision command)
: shorthand version of the above
To change color or the radix of a waveform, this can currently only be done by storing the added waveform in a variable
and changing settings in new lines, e.g.:
- set id [add_signal write_buffer]
- waveform hierarchy expand $id
- waveform format $id -radix %h
- waveform format $id -color \#44AA99