On windows, a perl interpreter should also be installed - tested with ActivePerl Community Edition.
*.pl files should be configured to be opened by the interpreter by default (double click on any *.pl file and choose ActivePerl as the default program).
GNU 'diff' executable should also be available (can be done by installing git-for-windows and adding it to PATH).
checkpatch.checkFile Check selected file (if the run mode is manual)
checkpatch.checkCommit Select specific commit to be tested
checkpatch.toggleAutoRun Toggle automatic checkpatch for the current workspace
checkpatch.checkpatchPath Path to the checkpatch.pl script
checkpatch.checkpatchArgs checkpatch arguments to use
checkpatch.run Control whether the linting is automatic on save or manually triggered using the checkpatch.checkFile command.
checkpatch.exclude Glob patterns for excluding files and folders from automatic checks.
checkpatch.diagnosticLevel Diagnostic level of checkpatch errors.