Intended to exactly replicate the syntax highlighting of Jetbrains Goland (as of 2024-11).
This theme only supports Go files because those are the only ones I care about syntax highlighting for.
Known Limitations
Neither TextMate highlighting nor semantic highlighting (via the Go language server, gopls) allow me to highlight words in comments if they match known types
There is no way to highlight method receiver arguments
For example, abc is not specifically highlightable in: func (abc *Type) Delete() error {...}
It is also not highlightable within the function body
There is no way to make make() blue while also making other built-ins like append() and len() orange
There is no way to highlight variable names when they shadow names that are already used in the same scope
A common example: if err := ... will often cause err to be specifically highlighted in a different color when err is already initialized in the same scope
There is no way to highlight TODO comments
Updated colors to more closely match Goland using a color picker this time