Gemini Code Assistant - Optimise/Generate CodeThis extension works on the Gemini Pro Model by using its API Key. To install the Extension. 1 Go to VS Code Extension Tab. 2 Type the Extension Name 3 Click on Install Features1 - Optimise Code: Optimise the code which you select in the Editor. Select the code which you want to optimise and click on Optimise Code button on the top left 2 - Generate Code: Generate the code for whatever you give it as a command. Write on the same file the prompt for the function you want to write and select that prompt and click on the top left Generate button to generate the code. RequirementsNeeds Gemini Pro Model API Key Extension SettingsOnce the key is generated from Google console. You can then press Enter the command "Store Gemini Pro Api Key" in the VS code to store the API Key. Once API key is stored you are good to go. |