- sujs snippets
- replace the \n to
- replace the px to rem
- start a static server and auto refresh webpage!
1. about the sujs:
3 command
- server sujs: start a static server, first open a folder!
- txt2html sujs: replace the \n to
- px2rem sujs: replace the px to rem
3. config
3.1 px-->rem
- default: 16px, change the config: "sujs.rootFontSize":75
3.2 local-config
add snippets, eg: "sujs.files":["E:\\work\\vscode-su-snippets.json"]
the vscode-su-snippets.json such as:
{ "css": [ { "label": "position absolute top left", "content": ".$1 {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: ${2:20px};\n\tleft: ${3:20px};\n\tbackground: ${4:#fff}\n}" } ] }
or create a .js file:
module.exports = { "css": [ { "label": "position absolute top left", "content": ``<div></div>`` } ] }
"css" is a language name
"css" can be used by others,such as: "less":"css,javascript"
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