ng-helper - The Perfect Assistant for Angular.js with TypeScript Development
ng-helper enhances the efficiency of Angular.js development, especially when used with TypeScript. It provides convenient features such as auto-completion for ng-* directives and data binding in HTML, hover type hints, injection validation in ts files, right-click context menu for creating components, and more.
- [x]
ng-* directive auto-completion (see demo)
- [x] Custom directive tags/attributes: auto-completion, hover hints, go to definition (see demo)
- [x] Custom component tags/attributes: auto-completion, hover hints, go to definition (see demo)
- [x] ✨🆕 Custom filter: auto-completion, hover hints, go to definition (see demo)
- [x] HTML syntax highlighting, supporting inline HTML (including syntax highlighting,auto-completion, hover hints, Go to definition) (see demo)
- [x] Data binding (Require
TypeScript ): auto-completion, hover type hints, go to definition (see demo)
- [x] Dependency injection matching validation (see demo)
- [x]
TypeScript code
- [x]
JavaScript code
Useful utilities features:
- [x] Jump from 'templateUrl' to the corresponding HTML (see demo)
- [x] ✨🆕 Jump from 'controller' name to the implement
js /ts file (see demo)
- [x] ✨🆕 Click to search for 'directive'/'component' where to use (see demo)
- [x] Right-click menu to create components (see demo)
- vscode 1.80.0+
- TypeScript 3.5.3+ (Some features require this, see above)
- Install the extension
- Create an empty
ng-helper.json file in the .vscode directory of your workspace(This file is a plugin startup flag, without which the plugin will not start)
- Restart vscode
Extension Settings
Create an empty ng-helper.json file in the .vscode directory of your workspace. It supports the following configuration:
componentStyleFileExt : The suffix for the style file when creating a component, such as less , sass , etc. The default value is css .
componentScriptFileExt : js or ts . The default value is js .
injectionCheckMode : The modes for dependency injection check include strict_equal , ignore_case_word_match , count_match , and off , with constraints ranging from strict to none. The default value is count_match .
Known Issues
When using feature like auto-completion in the html template, it may not work if no ts/js file has been opened for preview after the project is opened. This can cause the TypeScript language service to not start, resulting in no auto-completion. In this case, an warning message will pop up in the lower right corner. Click OK, and a ts/js file will automatically open. After that, return to the HTML file, and the auto-completion should work normally.
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