Now Updated for R 3.4.1 release
This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for R Language. More Snippets will be coming soon just release.
Use Extension
See the CHANGELOG for the latest changes
Just type the trigger and hit the tab key. For example...
Expands to...
### load lme4 for mixed models
### random intercept and random slope model
modelName <- lmer(DV ~ fixedFactor1 +* fixedFactor2 + (1 + randomSlope|randomInt), data=df)
Type part of a snippet, press enter
, and the snippet unfolds.
Main triggers
"plot": templates for plotting in base R
"edit": options useful for data cleansing and saving
"desc": descriptive statistics of data
"ttest": distinct types of t-test
"aov": distinct analysis of variance models
"lm": linear and logistic regression
"lmem": linear mixed effects models
"subset": make subsets of a DF
"read": read/load/install data/packages into R
"save": save plots, dfs, tables, etc.
"tikz": template for creating R plots in LaTeX
Note All snippets have the following scopes:
source.r, text.html.markdown.knitr, text.tex.latex, text.html.markdown.rmarkdown
Alternatively, press Ctrl
(Windows, Linux) or Cmd
(OSX) to activate snippets from within the editor.
- Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
- Launch Code
- From the command palette
(Windows, Linux) or Cmd
- Select
Install Extension
- Choose the extension
- Reload Visual Studio Code