1. About this Extension
Generate the code of instantiation or testbench, the documentation of the module
1.1. Features
- Instantiation and Testbench generation
- Verilog: ok
- SystemVerilog: partially compatible
- Documentation
- Verilog: ok
- SystemVerilog: partially compatible
1.2. Usage
- Instantiation
- open a verilog file
- at the top right corner of the editor, there is a button named
hyhdl.instantiation , click it
- the instantiation code will be copy into the clipboard, you can just copy it anywhere
- Testbench
- open a verilog file
- at the top right corner of the editor, there is a button named
hyhdl.testbench , click it
- a new editor contains the testbench code will be opend
- user can specify the testbench template by changing the etxtension setting:
Testbench template file path
- Documentation
- open a verilog file
- at the top right corner of the editor, there is a button named
hyhdl.documentation , click it
- at the right column of the vscode, a preview of documentation will be shown
- the module statement MUST follow the ANSI style, for example
module Uart_Rx_x81
#( // parameters
parameter CLK_FREQ = 100000000, // 主时钟的频率
parameter BAUDRATE = 115200, // 波特率
parameter BAUD_PRSCL_BITS = 10, // 波特率分频器的位数, = ceil( log2(CLK_FREQ/BAUDRATE) )
parameter PARITY = 0 // 校验模式: 0 = None; 1 = Odd; 2 = Even
) (
//system signal
input clk, // 主时钟
// pins -> this
input RxdPin, // RXD pin
// this -> received data
output reg rx_tvalid = 0, // 接收数据的 tvalid
output reg [ 7: 0] rx_tdata // 接收数据的 tdata
- the block diagram of the module will be shown
- the tables of the parameters and ports of the module will be shown
- the comment lines starting with
//> will be shown (the block commemts will not be shown), for example:
//> Copyright(C): hid4net <hid4net@outlook.com>
// Description:
- the 1st line will be shown in the preview
- the 2nd line will not be shown in the preview
- the wavedorm data between
<wavedrom> and </wavedrom> in the comments (starting with //> ) will be shown in the preview, the key word wavedrom can be truncated to wave , for example
//> <wave>
//> { signal: [
//> {name: 'Baud', wave: 'P.......'},
//> {name: 'UART', wave: '103=|451', data: ['LSB', '...', 'MSB', 'Par']},
//> ],
//> }
//> </wave>
- the markdown table in the comments (starting with
//> ) will be shown in the preview, for example:
//> Version | Author | Date | Changes
//> :-----: | :-----: | :------: | --------------------
//> 0.1 | someone | some day | some features added
//> 0.2 | someone | some day | some features added
//> 0.3 | someone | some day | some features added
- the preview will be refreshed when the verilog file is saved
- if a offline HTML file of the documentation needs to be saved, click the button
Export HTML at the top right corner of the preview, the file will be save in the same directory as the verilog code
1.4. Extension Settings
Testbench template file path : user specified testbench template
- in which, the symbol
{{module_name}} will be replaced with module name, and the symbol {{uut}} will be replaced with signals definition and module instantiation
- the template file should be encoded with
- if not used, make it empty
1.5. Known Issues, Bugs Feedback
- this extension is only tested with verilog files, and only tested in Windows 10
- this extension is ought to work in linux or MAC OS with python 3.10 (with lib
PyYaml and Jinja2 ) installed
- this extension may not work regularly for SystemVerilog
- If a bug occurs, please e-mail the
hyhdl_dump file to hid4net@outlook.com
- the
hyhdl_dump file is stored in the OS's temporary directory
- for windows: the OS's temporary directory can be found by the command:
echo %tmp%
- I'm an ordinary FPGA engineer, and my software skills and English sucks, don't fuck me please
1.6. Release Notes
1.7. Thanks
2. 设计思路 (Chinese)
- FPGA 工程师一般不会用到 javascript, 因此 js 代码要尽量少,能用
python 的尽量不用 js
2.1. 功能模块设计
- 例化代码的生成
- 从当前
TextEditor 提取代码, 保存到系统临时文件 (以 utf-8 格式存储, 防止乱码)
- 调用
hyhdl.exe (由 python 代码打包的程序) 程序处理代码, 并保存到系统临时文件 (以 utf-8 格式存储, 防止乱码)
- 插件从系统临时文件读取例化代码, 并写到系统剪切板
- testbench 代码的生成
- 从当前
TextEditor 提取代码, 保存到系统临时文件 (以 utf-8 格式存储, 防止乱码)
- 调用
hyhdl.exe (由 python 代码打包的程序) 程序处理代码, 并保存到系统临时文件 (以 utf-8 格式存储, 防止乱码)
- 插件从系统临时文件读取 testbench, 并复制到新的
- 根据注释生成文档
- 在
TextEditor 右上角添加命令按钮
- 打开
webview 显示注释生成的文档信息, 并支持导出 .html 文件 (参考并移植 teroshdl 的代码)
- 设计概述:
- 打开 webview
- 触发命令 (
vscode.commands.registerCommand ) -> ... -> vscode.window.createWebviewPanel -> ...
- 调用
hyhdl.exe (由 python 代码打包的程序) 生成 html ->
- 更新 html 到 webview
- 实时更新 webview
- 注册
vscode.workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument , vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument , vscode.window.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors 等事件 -> ... ->
- 调用
hyhdl.exe (由 python 代码打包的程序) 生成 html ->
- 更新 html 到 webview
- 导出 webview
webview 中触发消息 -> ... -> vscode 中接收消息 <panel 变量>.webview.onDidReceiveMessage ->
- 调用
hyhdl.exe (由 python 代码打包的程序) 生成 html ->
- 保存到源代码的目录中
2.2. todo
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