This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for Azure Functions for C# and JavaScript.
Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.
C# Snippets
azurefunctions-githubwebhook-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever it receives a GitHub webhook request
azurefunctions-blobtrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever a blob is added to a specified container
azurefunctions-eventhubtrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever an event hub receives a new event
azurefunctions-genericwebhook-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever it receives a webhook request
azurefunctions-githubcommenter-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever it receives a GitHub webhook request
azurefunctions-httpget(crud)-csharp // A C# function that fetches entities from a Storage Table when it receives an HTTP request
azurefunctions-httppost(crud)-csharp // A C# function that adds entities to a Storage Table when it receives an HTTP request
azurefunctions-httptrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever it receives an HTTP request
azurefunctions-imageresizer-csharp // A C# function that creates resized images whenever a blob is added to a specified container
azurefunctions-manualtrigger-csharp // A C# function that is triggered manually via the portal \"Run\" button
azurefunctions-queuetrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever a message is added to a specified Azure Storage queue
azurefunctions-saasfiletrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever a file is added to a SaaS provider.
azurefunctions-servicebusqueuetrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run whenever a message is added to a specified Service Bus queue
azurefunctions-timertrigger-csharp // A C# function that will be run on a specified schedule
JavaScript Snippets
azurefunctions-githubwebhook-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever it receives a GitHub webhook request
azurefunctions-blobtrigger-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever a blob is added to a specified container
azurefunctions-emptynode-js // An empty Node.js function without triggers, inputs, or outputs
azurefunctions-eventhubtrigger-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever an event hub receives a new event
azurefunctions-genericwebhook-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever it receives a webhook request
azurefunctions-githubwebhook-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever it receives a GitHub webhook request
azurefunctions-httpget(crud)-js // A Node.js function that fetches entities from a Storage Table when it receives an HTTP request
azurefunctions-httppost(crud)-js // A Node.js function that adds entities to a Storage Table when it receives an HTTP request
azurefunctions-httptrigger-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever it receives an HTTP request
azurefunctions-manualtrigger-js // A Node.js function that is triggered manually via the portal \"Run\" button
azurefunctions-queuetrigger-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever a message is added to a specified Azure Storage queue
azurefunctions-saasfiletrigger-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever a message is added to the specified Service Bus topic
azurefunctions-servicebustopictrigger-js // A Node.js function that will be run whenever a message is added to the specified Service Bus topic
azurefunctions-saasfiletrigger-js //A Node.js function that will be run whenever a file is added to a SaaS provider.
azure-functions-timer-trigger // A Node.js function that will be run on a specified schedule
Install Visual Studio Code 0.10.1 or higher
Launch Code
From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)