Random Everything
A VS Code extension that generates random ints, floats, strings, words, etc.
This is intended to be a feature to feature VS Code port of Random Everything for Sublime Text.
Command Palette
Bring up the command palette:
- ⇧⌘P (OSX)
- Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux)
Type "random":
Random: Int - Requires a range from a-b separated with a: -. Default: 1-100
Random: Float - Requires a range from a-b separated with a: -. Default: 1-100
Random: Letters - Generatates a random string of lower and uppercase letters with a length between 5 and 20
Random: Letters and numbers - Generatates a random string of lower and uppercase letters and numbers with a length between 5 and 20
Random: Country - Picks a random country
Random: Word - Picks a random word
Random: Text - Picks 24 random words
Random: Date - Picks a random ISO-8601 Date
Random: First name - Picks a random first name
Random: Last name - Picks a random last name
Random: Full name - Picks a random full names
Random: E-mail - Picks a random E-mail address
Random: Url - Generates a URL using random words
Random: Hex Color - Generates a random hex color formatted "#abc123"
Random: IPv4 Address - Generates a random ipv4 ip address
Random: IPV6 Address - Generates a random ivp6 ip address
Random: GUID - Generates a random GUID
Extension Settings
randomeverything.enable : Enable/disable this extension.
See changelog.
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