Gno for Visual Studio Code
Welcome! 👋🏻
The VS Code Gno extension
provides language support for the Gnolang and enhance your Gnolang development experience.
Install Go 1.21 or newer if you haven't already.
Install Gno and Gnokey.
Install Gnopls (See:
Install gofumpt
go install
Add Go bin to PATH
e.g (For MacOS)
- Open zsh shell configuration file
nano ~/.zshrc
export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"
Update GNOROOT(path to gno repository clone) in the extension settings.
Feature highlights
- [Syntax highlighting] - Syntax highlighting for Gno files
- [Formatting] - Automatically apply gofumpt formatting on save
- [Transpile] - Transpile uses gno.
gno needs to be installed for this feature to work.
- [Test] - Test *_test.gno and *_filetest.gno files. Uses gno and
gno needs to be installed for this feature to work.
- [Snippets] - Templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as loops or conditional-statements.
- [Code Lens] - Enables CodeLens for *_test.gno and *_filetest.gno files.
- [Diagnostics] - Build and lint errors shown as you type or on save. Needs language server(
gnopls ) to be enabled.
- [Mod Init] - Create
gno.mod file.
- [Publish Package] - Publish Gno package/realm to the chain.
gnokey needs to be installed for this feature to work.
- [Clean Generated Files] - Cleans generated Go(
*.gno.gen.go ) files.
We welcome your contributions and thank you for working to improve the Gnolang
development experience in VS Code.
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