This is a VSCode color theme for partially color-blind people.
The actual coloring follows these guidelines:
Do not use many colors
As the number of color increases, it gets harder and harder to distinguish them instantly.
Do not use vague colors
Vague colors are also hard to distinguish.
Use blue(#0000FF) for keywords-like values
In addition to strict reserved keywords such as if and function, keyword-ish values can be blue. For example, in HTML, tag names should be blue since they are the most keyword-ish values in typical HTML files.
Use red(#FF0000) for literal-like values
As blues could be used for non-strict keyword values, red could be used for non-strict literal values as well.
Use grey for comments
Use black(#000000) as the default foreground color
Use white(#FFFFFF) as the default background color
Make chunks of colors
Large chunk of a color is easier to distinguish than a single character with the same color applied.
Never use green
For most partially color-blind people, green and red are the most conflicting pair.